What we’re all about

  • Monthly Social Gatherings: As a core activity, we meet once a month for social drinks and lunch. 
  • Guest Speakers: At our monthly meetings, we host guest speakers who share their expertise on various topics.
  • Official functions: The President’s Lunch, Summer Picnic and the Club’s Christmas Lunch are open to all members and their partners. 
  • Activities and Outings: Beyond our regular meetings, we organize a variety of activities, outings, and walks throughout the year. 
  • Wide Catchment Area: Centred on Crowborough, our general catchment area extends northwards towards East Grinstead and Tunbridge Wells, southwards towards Uckfield and Mayfield, and eastwards and westwards towards Wadhurst and Danehill/Chelwood Gate respectively.

Be a Guest; become a Member: We would be delighted to welcome you as a guest. Please attend one of our meetings at Crowborough Beacon Golf Club on the second Monday of the month (12.00 noon for 12.30 p.m.), and experience the camaraderie firsthand.

For more information, please contact: Laurie Taylor, Secretary. info@ashdownprobus.org.uk

Ashdown Probus Club