President’s lunch
The highlight of the Probus year is the President’s lunch which is held at the Hydro Hotel, Eastbourne. Next year this will be celebrated on Wednesday 26th March 2025 at the same venue.
Annual picnic
The annual picnic is hosted by member David Homewood and his wife Susan in their glorious English country garden. Some 20 members and partners enjoyed their hospitality this year and this popular event will be held again in August 2025.
Christmas lunch
This year’s Christmas Lunch will be held at our usual luncheon venue, Crowborough Beacon Golf Club on Wednesday 4th December 2024.
What’s on
All Functions are listed on the What’s On page with full details including event organisers listed in the Calendar of Events in the members area. These are also regularly advertised by broadcast e-mails and included in all monthly luncheon notices.

Outings to varied and fascinating places are enjoyed in the company of wives, partners and friends throughout the year. Outings can be by train, coach or members’ own transport.
In 2024 our outings included a guided walking tour of the Inns of Court, an excellent TWODS production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at the Assembly Halls, Tunbridge Wells, the Rude Mechanicals’ open air production of The Dressing Book and a guided tour of the Armourers and Brasiers Hall in the City of London followed by lunch at The Globe pub. Our final outing in 2024 was a trip to Eastbourne where Mark Smith of the Antiques Roadshow presented “For Valour – The Story of the Victoria Cross”.
Various volunteer members take turns to arrange outings which are co-ordinated by Roger Benison who may be contacted via the Contact page.
Outings scheduled for 2025 are listed on the What’s On page and detailed in the Members area of this website. These are also regularly advertised by broadcast e-mails and included in all monthly luncheon notices.

Walking Groups
There are three regular monthly walking groups, one on the 1st Tuesday of each month, one on the 1st Friday of each month and the third on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Individual walking routes are chosen with a range of walking abilities in mind and are conducted throughout the year. All walks normally conclude with a stop for lunch at a village pub. Please contact the named organisers for further information.
Before joining any Club excursion, event, activity or walk members are reminded that it is their personal responsibility to decide on the level of their own capabilities, those of their partners and guests, and as to whether they should participate.
All participants do so at their own risk and, by participating, acknowledge the Ashdown Probus Club has no liability in the event of any incident or accident.

1st Tuesday Walking Group
The Tuesday walking group meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The group members take turns to research and organise a round walk of around 5 to 6 miles starting and finishing at a pub where we have lunch. We generally have around 8 walkers.
If you would like to join us and be added to the circulation list please contact / speak to Tom Hutchinson and he will arrange for you to join an initial group walk.
1st Friday Walking Group
The 1st Friday Walking group was formed over 25 years ago by a bunch of enthusiastic walkers who wished to share their love of the Sussex countryside.
Walks are arranged and led by members of the group and are usually between 5 and 6 miles, rarely strenuous, always ending at a pub for lunch and a pint, returning home by early afternoon to sleep the exertions off. This particularly applies to some members who are still walking into their eighties.
If you are interested in joining this group, then please advise the current co-ordinator Mike Roberts who may be contacted via the Contact page in the members’ secure area.
3rd Thursday Walking Group
The Thursday walking group meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month and the group is open to members, wives and partners. New members are always very welcome.
Our walks are usually around the 5 mile mark and take in amazing countryside in the Kent and Sussex area. We take it in turns to lead a walk and always end up at a friendly pub for liquid refreshment and lunch for those wishing to stay.
Any terrain incline pains are soon overcome by friendly banter and of course the drink at the finishing post also helps!!
In a nutshell, we get to see wonderful countryside, in good company and, to top it all, healthy exercise.
If you are interested in joining this group the organiser is Andrew Fermor. He may be contacted via the Contact page.
Over the past two years we have experienced popular, enjoyable and successful seasons. Our first matches were in May, and we met each month through to October. Twenty two players signed up in 2024, and we actually had eighteen players on the lawns on one occasion! Among our players were past presidents, members, widows, wives and partners. Coffee, Tea and home-made lemon drizzle cake will be the order of the day again in 2025. Generally we enjoyed the best of English summer weather and at our last meeting, despite some light rain, our players chose to stay-on for extra games.
This inexpensive and very social activity will commence again in May (£10 per person) and all members and their wives/partners are invited to join the group on the second Tuesday of each month through to October for a gentle, morning’s activity. The venue is Royal Tunbridge Wells Croquet Club, Calverley Park, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2SH. All necessary equipment is provided with coaching available if required.

Members interested in joining the Croquet group should contact the organiser Michael Sander via the Contact page.
Ashdown Probus Club has an active Golf section with Spring and Autumn meetings arranged annually at various golfing venues around the South east. Over recent years we have visited London Beach Hotel, Tenterden, Tudor Park Marriott Hotel, Maidstone, Weald of Kent Golf Club, Headcorn and Broome Park Hotel and Country Club, Canterbury.
The Spring meeting in 2024 was once again contested at London Beach Hotel, Tenterden and in September we enjoyed a return to Weald of Kent Golf Club, Headcorn and it is intended that we return to these venues for the two meetings in 2025 with final dates in the Calendar of Events What’s On pages.
There is a separate Golf Society section in this website where full details of all events can be found. Members interested in joining the Golf section should contact the Chairman, Tom Hutchinson via the Contact page.